Good Morning Russia! Wake Up!
As you wake up, you are left today with the lies for the invasion of Ukraine which Putin and his corrupt team of advisors have manufactured in order to crush and extinguish Ukraine because its very existence has threatened his rule in Russia, as Ukraine is a functioning example of a democratic government next to Russia. You may remain sheep, believing in lies, believing in a fake reality to support Putin whose path of war in Ukraine has led to genocide. The slaughter of innocent, men, women, and children, so that he can fight a history war that has no basis of truth and has no end. His leadership has not only returned your nation back to Soviet times but will ultimately threaten your very existence, as he threatens nuclear war with the West and seeks to destroy a nation. Putin is no czar, however he may imagine himself, he remains the KGB colonel, in over his head, as he plays a KGB playbook which enslaved Eastern Europe from its choices after WWII under communism. The peoples of Europe will never return to those days, nor surrender their freedoms, neither will Ukrainians, no matter how many Russian youth he can muster. Russia will lose this war because there is something bigger than Putin, bigger than Russia at stake in this world - The freedom of each man, each woman, each citizen, to choose and vote for their leaders from a group of parties, to have a choice, to be able to read the news, from many sources, and be able to assemble and protest if they feel some issue of theirs is not being address by their current government. Free people will not return to the cage of totalitarianism.
Whether you choose to live under such a regime or to believe in its Big Lie about Ukraine and NATO, you must consider the very facts that you do not see in your newspapers or on your televisions. Russian troops are committing war crimes in Ukraine. They are seeking to destroy and erase a nation and they will not succeed. Your social media, sources to foreign news, and alternative news outlets have been shut down in order to for you to believe one story - Putin's Big Lie. The Big Lie that he and his team manufacture every day in order to survive, as one day his crimes and his corruption will be revealed. For not only humans yearn for freedom, they yearn for the truth. And the truth and freedom will come again to Russia. Your current Emperor is a pretender and his future Empire is built on sand and the blood of the people that he is trying to erase. Whether you choose to participate in this Big Lie is your choice, however today, you must look at the reality and so, for the first time, we provide you with the truth. Photographs of your war with Ukraine. The fruits of Putin's “special operation” to erase a nation and commit genocide. How can one stop this madness before it escalates to a greater war, a war which will bring World War III? Each citizen must act to sabotage this effort, to destroy the very base of the lies, the support of Putin, like legs of a shaky table, they must be removed, and he will collapse. There are good people in Russia, strong people who believe in the real Russia, a Mother Russia, which would never seek to destroy Mother Ukraine.
As you wake up, you may wonder, who needs the international community? You have Vladimir Putin. You have trusted him for years, watched him as took over the reins of government first as Prime Minister and then President, as Yeltsin resigned. Slowly, over the past 20 years, despite his glorious career, he has stolen democracy before your very eyes, your very choice to chose a viable candidate from an opposition party. In fact, any opposition party or candidate would disappear or not be able to run against him as they would ultimately be disqualified. Ultimately, whether President or Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin has become President-for-life as he destroyed any opposition to his rule, by denying citizens the right to protest against him or his regime. Any criticism of his rule, whether from an oligarch, a news channel, or a newspaper were ultimately closed down, sent to the gulag or better yet silenced. What replaced freedom of the press were state run television programs which projected a positive image of Vladimir Putin, even while his group stole billions and hid them in bank accounts around the world. The only opposition that ultimately challenged his rule was that of Alexei Navalny with one line - “Party of Crooks and Thieves.”
Russians who have grown up with the chaotic breakdown of the Soviet Union and economic transition to Russia, agree that Putin was able to centralize the government, provide the type of leadership which replaced unstable economic conditions of the transition. However, slowly Russians would soon discover that major industries would be renationalized and sources of oil revenue would return to state, and Vladimir Putin and his officials would benefit from this renationalization of Yukos.
For twenty years, you have watched Putin, destroy freedom to protest, freedom of the press, and the freedom of democratic parties to form and offer a viable choice to his rule. In fact, even the most minor candidate to challenge to his rule, Alexei Navalny was poisoned, after another opposition figure Boris Nemtsov was assassinated by Chechens right next to the Kremlin years earlier. You have believed in your leader, the cult of his personality, but where will this devotion take you?
By controlling the information to the people, the national media, Putin not only controlled your lives, he controls your minds. He crushed all opposition which challenged his power over Russia. He crushed the basic freedoms that you fought for as Yeltsin stood on tank and challenged Gorbachev’s coup plotters who wished to return the Soviet Union to its previous dictatorship. He imposed his brand of leadership from a KGB playbook, establishing a KGB democracy which pretended to be a democracy but was not, as all fake opposition parties were carefully controlled and regulated servants, including the Communist party in order to survive.
Ultimately, and before your very eyes, with the opposition silenced, what was left was your worship of a man who was projected of being a great hero on national television listening to people across Russia and taking care of the common man’s problems, he established in your minds the type of leader that you yearned for that could bring stability and prosperity to your country. But at what price? Are you willing to live like the sheep “citizens” of the Soviet Union, cut off from travel, cut off from freedom of choice, a viable democratic candidate to make a choice, do you want a President-for-life, and do you want to read and watch news programs which project only the image that he wishes you to see?
Well, you have probably swallowed Putin’s fake story about Ukraine and its revolution of 2014 in which a corrupt leader, with his “Golden Toilet” was overthrown by fascist forces and Putin’s fake story that Russia had to protect Ukrainians in the Donbass and Lugansk against this regime, including Crimea. For Putin it was a shock, that someone he groomed, Viktor Yanukovych, could fail his nation by his own corruption and brutal clampdown on the protests of the Maidan. Putin was also shocked that the whole nation of Belarus refused to agree that his junior partner, Alexandr Lukashenko, won his election, and yet Lukashenko refused to leave office and declared that he too would be “President-for-Life” despite the fact that he tortured his citizens that protested his rule. Now, both Putin and Lukashenko are desperate to project an image that they will win a war that will have no end.
with Russia's New Times of Troubles
Good Morning America and Good Morning Eurasia,
While many Americans trace their roots to the nations of Europe and Asia, some still retain their mother tongue, other descendants of our early pioneers, seek to discover their Old World heritage, one thing is certain...Europe and Asia are in chaos. Whether from the chaos of Covid-19 and its variants, the New Cold War in Europe over Ukraine, or the current crises in Taiwan/South China Sea or in the Middle East, with Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, THE WORLD IS IN CRISIS. Parts of Eurasia are on fire or waiting to explode. America, as a great power, since WWI and WWII, can either embrace "the America First mentality" and ignore the rest of the world, or decide that its founding ideals and principles are still worth inspiring other citizens around the global, as our nation can once again sends a beacon of hope, as it has done from the early days of our struggle for Independence to the rest of the word, that ideals and freedom are worth fighting for.
We, at The Eurasia Center, seek to build positive relations among the Nations and Peoples of America, Europe and Asia. However, that does not mean turning a blind eye to the unjust and inhumane practices being conducted by other nations against their people and citizenry. In Russia, one man, Alexei Navalny, had the courage to voice his opposition to the theft of democracy and protest against the rampant corruption within Russia. He has risked his life to make a statement and will become a martyr for the Democracy Movement within Russia. Many people have had their democratic future robbed within the past several years, Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Iraq, Ukraine, Myanmar, among others. As Americans, we may not be able to influence or change the authoritarian minds of dictators ruling countries within Eurasia, but we can make it known that we do not condone such behavior. The winds of change will bring new leaders, new ideas, and new hope to those that are enslaved.
The gift of democracy from Ancient Greece and the idea of the Republic from Ancient Rome, are part of the heritage which our Founding Fathers embraced to start the great American Experiment in Democracy. It is an experiment that survived the National Nightmare of January 6th, but as with any civil society in America or around the globe, if strong men and strong women do not stand up for their rights then radicals or usurpers can alter the very course of history and lead nations and peoples down dangerous and treacherous paths. These are the lessons of history - the demagogue, the dictator, the usurper, from Ancient times until the present. Good citizens must demand a system that gives a chance for all citizens to organize and form political parties in order to enable fair elections and honest leaders to come forward and thrive. Only then can citizens be proud of their Government and begin to trust their Government officials, rather than having what has occurred in Belarus to continue, which is the true theft of a democratic election and the abuse of its own citizenry by a dictator-in-chief. Some may be willing to live like sheep and agree to the powers that be, yet only when good citizens unite and resist, in whatever way they can, then ultimately the legacy of the dictator, the demagogue, and the usurper, and their minions end. It is time to recognize the illusion painted by state propaganda on state television or on television news shows that which consistently denies the truth and place the lives of its viewers in jeopardy. To ignore the safety and health of the citizenry is to be negligent of the most basic rules of government, protecting the citizenry - to guarantee the general welfare. To believe in conspiracy theories is becoming an international sickness, a virus of its own making, spread via the internet to deceive weak-minded individuals during dangerous times.
The Eurasia Center supports ideals of America. The freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and the right to petition. President Roosevelt offered four freedoms on his Annual Address to Congress on January 6, 1941 - the four freedoms - freedom of worship, press, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Please consider supporting our efforts to support the ideals of peace, liberty and toleration, which form the backbone of our nation.
Thank you for your support over the past 30 years, as we continue to find solutions to "Help the World Find Peace." Please consider supporting our Programs as we continue to deliver Great Projects and Great Programs!
Michael Cooper
Vice President
The Eurasia Center
The Eurasia Center's International Security Program
Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev Prove that Arms Control Agreements Are Possible
and Peoples of Differing Systems of Government Need not View each other as Enemies