South Asia
South Asia is a region of Eurasia that spans 5,134,641 kilometers squared and consists of eight countries. The largest country in this region is India, the second largest populated country in the world. Having five different time zones and a plethora of different languages, there are many differences in culture throughout the region. Ancient civilizations such as the Indus River Civilization helped develop a rich history in the region. The two largest religions in South Asia are Hinduism and Islam with 98% of Hindus being from the region. Geographically, South Asia is separated from the rest of Eurasia by major mountain ranges such as the Himalayas. Overall, South Asia is a very ethnically and geographically diverse which has led to the region being very rich in different cultures that have made the area what it is today.
Country Reports
Countries are listed in alphabetical order. Click on a country's flag to download the report.